Parent Support Group - You are not alone…come to learn, share, and receive support during difficult times and bring balance to your life! Parenting can be hard at times…and when your family includes someone with any disability, it can be all the more difficult and overwhelming. We are here to help. We will guide you toward independence by setting up all available resources and give you a safe place to air your thoughts and challenges.

Enhanced Music Education for Children with Disabilities - Music learning has been shown to improve areas like behavior regulation, language development, dexterity, and socialization in children with autism. ‘Let It Be…Me’ - a documentary film in production that shows evidence of the unique intersection of music and autism,  will open viewers’ eyes to the transformative benefits of music education for children with disabilities, and further push the conversation around dedicating government funding to arts education for this vulnerable and growing population.  Our program will reach school districts nationwide with your help. Contact us for more details.

Fundraising for Research - Carly's Cause  supports fundraising efforts for any research that will lead to treatments, therapies, and innovative studies that will improve the lives of those who have a rare disease. Recently, we focused our efforts on raising funds for the San Diego Brain Tumor Foundation in 2022, and the UCSF in 2019. We bring together talents from nationally successful musicians and hold concerts that bring community awareness and donations. 

iPads for kids - Our organization has gifted 91 iPads to children who struggle with speech and dexterity. We also provide APPS that will aid i their learning and progression. These are gifted through grants that are funded by our donors.

iPads for Teachers - Teachers are rarely funded with innovative software for Special Needs populations. We try to fill this void my providing iPads that are loaded with several apps that aid the teachers and specialists in development of communication, phonics, reading, writing, math, and dexterity. These are gifted to the teacher through a grant which is funded by our donors. 

Together we can!